Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Issue #2 Reflection

For the second issue I didn't really came over my fear about interviewing teachers because I was that shy girl and didn't ask for help. I needed to change that and I did for my electronics story. When I went to interview one teacher I was nervous but when I was going through interviewing him it wasn't scary and that it was easy. That made me get over my fear and that was a good thing because i've been shy to ask questions to other people i'm not used to. But I also need to ask for help more often when I need it. I need to speak out a little more and not be the quiet one there.
I have like goals in this class that I need to accomplish and one of them are to turn in my drafts on time. I also like wait to the last minute most of the time. I need to turn them in on time so that I can fix whatever needs to be fixed. What would be good is to do things before the due date and by the time i'm done i'll be right on task and not behind on things I have to do.